The road from Ft. Nelson was OK till we hit Tacna Lodge where it turned to a couple miles of potholed washboard dirt. It seemed like 50 miles! Further on we entered a pretty long canyon where I
received a phone call. It was my Cuz and we got to talk a bit and only a few minutes into the call I realized there was no way I could be getting this call. Apparently WiFi calling via Starlink was working in this canyon! That was pretty cool.
We arrived not long after midday on a Thursday and there were still a few sites available as we drove in, but it wasn’t long before the 15 sites right on the lake were taken. We lucked out and got to reserve our sites. Neither Larry nor I knew they changed the rules for this summer’s dates and allowed about 1/2 the sites to be reserved. My buddy Scott figured it out and told me just a few days prior to it opening up for reservations on the dates we wanted.
I told Larry and we were both able to get the sites we wanted on the BC Parks reservation site. Last time we were there, it was only First Come, First Served.
Our site was beautiful and right at the water overlooking the beautiful blue- green lake out our windshield. Larry and Sue were just to our left so their motorhome is pointing at the lake too. (these are back-in sites)
We headed out for the drive to Laird Hot Springs which was 45 minutes away. On the way we drove past some sort of shrine on the side of the highway and I wondered if it was for the folks that got killed near there while we were going to Alaska last time. Turns out it was as we stopped and looked at it when going home. 2019 Canadian Killing Spree
On the way back from Laird there was a large Bison walking down the middle of the bridge. We waited till he got to the end of the bridge and walked off the side of the road, allowing us to pass.
That evening we had reservations for dinner at the Northern Rockies Lodge. It seemed odd to need reservations at such an out-of-the-way place but they were required. I had the Goulash, Kathy the steak, Larry the Schnitzel, and Sue had the beef stew special. The food was ok. We decided not to come back for dinner Monday evening.
After dinner we walked outside to see smoke had rolled in, which was not a great sign. We had to go back to the motorhome to see if we could figure out where it was coming from. Turns out the fire was quite a ways away, north and east of us. By the following morning the smoke was gone and didn’t come back.
It rained most of the day on Sunday, but the nice weather came back on Monday and we drove back to Laird Hot Springs for another dip. We saw many caribou, bear, and many bison along the way back. That night we ordered takeout from the lodge: three Schnitzel dinners.. and a burger for Kathy.
Tuesday morning drive to the Yukon