After a couple days of unplanned downtime due to a nasty bit of food poisoning, we were back on the road Thursday afternoon, this time heading south toward the Cape.
We drove down to Hyannis Port looking for Camelot, and after some wrong turns I pulled over and looked at the map. Then we headed over to the correct spot. It’s pretty well hidden from the regular roads, but there wasn’t a gate on the private road till it was way back on their property, which was very close to the house. I drove down it with Kathy telling me not to, but I had come so far I wanted to see it. For all I knew, the family didn’t even live there anymore. But as I got close, a man got out of a red Mercedes and motioned for me to clear the area. I snapped a couple of pics from what I presume is the back of the main house and then proceeded to back up the car on that narrow private road.
From there we needed to find a tree for the pups and headed over to a park in Hyannis Port. NO DOGS! They wanted $20 to park but didn’t allow dogs. The gal at the gate shack told us we would have to drive out of town to another park about 10 miles away. Kind of odd, but we listened and drove off. 100 yards further up the street was the JFK Memorial Park. The pups found their trees and all was well with the world again. We assumed it was our California plates that said we were foreigners…
After that we proceeded toward our real destination for the day, Provincetown
We drove all the way out past the town toward the lighthouses, stopped in the National Park to walk the pups on the beach and then headed back into town to find out if Provincetown was dog friendly. Turns out it is. We were famished by the time we found parking out on the wharf and wandered onto the main drag. That word did double duty here. Its a cool little town with the huge historic marker on top of a hill back from the waterfront. That main road
is barely one lane wide. I think it was called Commercial Street, but mostly it was people just walking on it and occasionally a car poked on by. I saw what looked like a decent pizza place with an outside deck and asked the guy if they allowed our pups. No issue he said and we climbed the stairs up to the deck. The pizza was pretty good. Not Brothers (Red Bank, NJ) quality, but better than most.
Afterward we needed to walk off the food and took off down the street till it started thinning out on the south end, so we headed back to the car for the long unfamiliar drive home in the dark. I will leave off the story of that ride, but let me say it was eventful.