Since it was a short drive to Boothbay, we hit the road right at 11 am, which is most campgrounds’ checkout time. We headed out to find US 1 south that was just a few miles inland of us. It was a surprising drive as right after turning off the main road from Bar Harbor, there was this very nice downtown of Ellsworth, Maine. We hadn’t been that direction our whole stay as we were just off Mt. Desert Island and concentrated on poking around there.
All along the road were grand old houses as US 1 stays close to the water. One of the most surprising things of all was a large cable stay bridge. We could see it off
in the distance and it was spectacular to get close to, then drive over it. I had only seen that type of bridge in pictures.
Most of the way down we were fighting our Google Nav directions as it kept wanting me to go down small streets and make u-turns.